Heat resistant steel

Mass calculator

Essential at high temperature in the range 850 – 1150°C; is used for the manufacture of industrial furnaces, steam boilers and the installation of crude oil; is also used for the production of rails, grates, covers thermocouples and other elements of industrial furnaces.

heat resistant steel
Technical data
PN EN Werkstoff nr AISI
H13JS X10CrAlSi13 1.4724  
H18JS X10CrAlSi18 1.4742  
H24JS X10CrAlSi24 1.4762 446
H25T X8CrTi25 1.4746  
H23N18 X8CrNi25-21 1.4845 310 S
H20N12S2 X15CrNiSi20-12 1.4828 309
H25N20S2 X15CrNiSi25-21 1.4841 310
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