Heat resistant boiler steel

Mass calculator

Rated for operation at elevated temperatures; used in the manufacture of responsible machinery parts, equipment in the construction of steam turbines, rotor shafts, screws, nuts and used for the construction of pressure equipment.

heat resistant boiler steel
Technical data
PN EN Werkstoff nr AISI
St41K P265GH 1.0425  
St36K P235GH 1.0345  
16M 16Mo3 1.5415  
15HM 13CrMo4-5 1.7335 P12
10H2M 10CrMo9-10 1.7380 P22
13HMF 13CrMoV9-10 1.7703  
21HMF 21CrMoV5-7 1.7709  
X10CrMoVNb9-1 X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903 P91
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